ashcroft surgery,

Newlands Way, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD10 0JE, West Yorkshire, UK

Useful Numbers

  • CALL 111 –  open 24 hours for help with medical problems of short duration and sudden onset
  • ANY LOCAL PHARMACIST for good advice about medicines, minor illness
  • DISTRICT NURSES: 01274 256 131 for wounds, dressings, elderly people
  • HEALTH VISITORS: 01274 221 223 for advice about babies and children
  • MIDWIVES: 01274 623 952 if you’re pregnant
  • National Coronavirus Support Line 0333 880 6619

Life Changing Quotes

I’ve pulled together a collection of life changing quotes.   I’m not really much into quotes but I like to think that I try and live my life according to some of these to help me achieve a happier and more fulfilling life.  We only have the one life and when mine comes to its natural end, I want to be able to say ‘I’m happy with how my life was and what I had done’.

Now you might be wondering what has all this got to do with health. To answer this, we have to go back to the definition of health.   The most commonly quoted definition of health is that formalized by the World Health Organization (WHO) over half a century ago in which they say that good health is “a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”  So, I hope there is something on this page to help you with your mental and social well-being.  

My personal belief is that life is all about contribution, compassion, forgiveness and love.

  • Contribution – is about postively contributing to the lives of those around us.  By contribution, I don’t mean donating money or things (although that is a nice thing to do for those less fortunate than ourselves).  By contribution, I mean unconditionally helping other people in need to help make their lives a bit better.   Through contribution, you will find a sense of great self-fulfillment, purpose and hapiness.
  • Compassion – is about showing kindess and care to others, especially when they are in a difficult place.  Kindness and care are nourishing things.  The more nourishing things in your life, the more nourishing your life will be.
  • Forgiveness – is about letting go of grudges.  When we judge others, there is no space to love them.  Instead, we end up being bitter towards them and forget to realise that their behaviour that upset us might have come from something deeper that hurt them.  And often when we are in  a bad place, we are often not ourselves and we say and do things that we don’t mean.   So, is it right to judge that person by that difficult behaviour?   There is a famous Swedish saying that I really like: ‘love me most when I least deserve it’ because that is when I need it the most.  Read this phrase again and spend a moment or two thinking about it.   Besides, forgiveness is nourishing to the soul too!  I read a funny saying that said ‘holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent free in your head’.  So, let go and be at peace.
  • Love – and finally, we come on to love.  Love yourself unconditionally.   Accept who you are.   Try not to copy and be the best of someone else, instead BE THE BEST YOU can be.  When you love yourself unconditionally, it’s then easier to love all those around you.   And when you do that, you get unconditional love back.   So, start loving yourself now and then show love to those around you.

All of these things will make you feel good!  All of these things are nourishing.  All of these things will regenerate you.

And finally, here’s my collection of 25 quotes, and my favourite one that I remind myself often is at the end.

Dr Ramesh Mehay
GP Ashcroft Surgery

 loveyoruself sqaure 6
 love yourself unconditionally
 loveyourself sqaure13
 love yourself 5
 love yourself - sqare 7
 loveyourself square 8
 loveyourself-sqaure 9
 loveyoruself sqaure 10
 loveyoruself - square 11
 loveryourself square 12

 And my favourite….

loveyourself-square 25



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