Get tested!
In 2016, over 1.4 million Chlamydia tests were carried out and over 128,000 diagnoses were made amongst young people aged 15-24.
- Young people age 15-24 experience the highest STI diagnosis rates
- This is double compared to men aged 25 -59
- But it is a whopping seven times compared to women aged 25-29.
(Public Health England, 2017)
Indeed, young people aged between 15-24 accounted for…
- 60% of those diagnosed with Chlamydia,
- 50% with gonorrhoea,
- 50% with genital warts, and
- 40% with genital herpes in 2015.
(approximations from National Chlamydia Screening Programme).
Did you know….
- Approximately 9 in 10 young people don’t get tested for STIs before getting into a new relationship.
- Two thirds don’t use a condom when they have sex with a partner for the first time
What does all this mean?
- Young people should get tested often given that sexual diseases happen in them more often than any other age group.
- Young people should think about their own protection when engaging in relationships and sexual activity.
- Young people should think about educating themselves up about the different types of diseases and the risks involved.
- Given that approximately 35% of 17-20 year olds go to university (AYPH, 2017), students also need to get tested.
Want to learn more?
- Leeds Sexual Health – one of the best websites about.
- Find a sexual health clinic near you
- Chlamydia - Genital Warts - Gonorrhoea - Herpes - HIV
I have had unsafe sex. I’m worried about catching HIV!
Staying HIV negative – PEP and PREP - PEP Leaflet: - Syphilis - TV (Trichomonas) - Thrush/BV - Oral Sex