ashcroft surgery,

Newlands Way, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD10 0JE, West Yorkshire, UK

Useful Numbers

  • CALL 111 –  open 24 hours for help with medical problems of short duration and sudden onset
  • ANY LOCAL PHARMACIST for good advice about medicines, minor illness
  • DISTRICT NURSES: 01274 256 131 for wounds, dressings, elderly people
  • HEALTH VISITORS: 01274 221 223 for advice about babies and children
  • MIDWIVES: 01274 623 952 if you’re pregnant
  • National Coronavirus Support Line 0333 880 6619

How to use a nasal spray

If you are using a nasal spray and it doesn’t seem to be working, one of the commonest reasons is because you are probably not using it the right way.   Follow these instructions.

  1. Blow your nose gently.
  2. Shake the bottle.
  3. Remove the cap.
  4. If using a new spray, ‘prime’ it by pumping it several times until a fine mist is seen.
  5. Using the right hand for the left nostril, and vice versa, insert the nozzle of the spray into the nostril as far as feels comfortable.
  6. Tilt the head forward slightly and keep the bottle upright.
  7. Squirt a spray by pressing down firmly with the fingers on the collar of the bottle – do not sniff!
  8. Wait a few seconds before repeating steps 5 to 7 in the same or opposite nostril as directed.

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