Are you a carer? A carer is someone who, without pay, looks after a partner, relative, friend or neighbour who could not get by without their help due to frailty, illness, disability, mental ill health or addiction. Many patients who rely on unpaid carers would be unable to cope alone if their carer caught the flu.
- The thing is, if you did get the flu, it’s not like catching a cold. You’d be flat on your back, and then who would provide the care that you do?
- Also, carers who are not vaccinated risk passing the virus on to the people they care for – which could make them seriously ill.
Although carers are entitled to a free flu vaccination from their GP surgery (and may have already had one due to being in an ‘at risk’ group), many carers are not aware of this or even realise they are a carer.
So – ring the surgery and book an appointment with the nurse to get your FREE flu jab.
Ashcroft Surgery
Did you know
- A lot of people think that small coughs and colds are the same as flu. They are not. The flu is caused by the influenza virus and the difference is that it causes a really horrible nasty illness that will put you flat on your back and drain you. The flu jab wont protect you against little coughs and colds but it will protect you against the big nasty flu ones.
- Did you know that the flu jab cannot give you the flu! Some people put off having the flu jab because the last time they had it, they might have felt mildy ‘flu-ey’for a few days. However, if you catch the proper full-blown flu, imagine feeling seriously rough for 2-3 weeks! Do you want to take that risk?
Further Information
- www.nhsemployers.org/flu
- email: flufighter@nhsemployers.org
- Tel: 0844 334 5252
- Join the conversation on twitter @NHSflufighter
- Looking to make contact for some advice from Carers’ Resource? Click this link: www.carersresource.org/contact/