ashcroft surgery,

Newlands Way, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD10 0JE, West Yorkshire, UK

Useful Numbers

  • CALL 111 –  open 24 hours for help with medical problems of short duration and sudden onset
  • ANY LOCAL PHARMACIST for good advice about medicines, minor illness
  • DISTRICT NURSES: 01274 256 131 for wounds, dressings, elderly people
  • HEALTH VISITORS: 01274 221 223 for advice about babies and children
  • MIDWIVES: 01274 623 952 if you’re pregnant
  • National Coronavirus Support Line 0333 880 6619

This is a page designed to simply help you prepare for your CQC.   This page is just to highlight some areas.

  1. CQC website – links on the right hand side of the page.  You can see all the questions and criteria they are going to ask you about from the CQC website. Although it is lengthy, just work through it and make sure you can answer all of them.
  2. And don’t forget Nigel’s Surgery – full list of tips and mythbusters plus latest updates
  3. But also this page on Nigel’s Surgery about Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive & Well-Led criteria
  4. And finally think about asking a neighbouring practice who has been RECENTLY CQC’d and read their CQC report = you will get invaluable insights.


  • The GP lady looked specifically at our DMARD and shared care protocol and wanted to see full evidence of following it in the patients notes with an specific example.
  • Another big thing was safety/drug alerts that come through. Demonstrate the full protocol for what you do there. And they asked us to name some of the top of our head and what we did
  • Sepsis training- quizzed reception staff with questions about it.
  • All care plans must be updated for mental health, dementia and learning disability.


  • Make sure all infection control policy is up to date and all infection control audits done
  • Fridge recordings and any actions done when temperature goes over 8 degrees (needs to be detailed enough with what your actions will be).  Went through in details with all fridge logs, please do not by mistake also do a manual log on bank holidays. Data logger better.
  • Cleaning schedules and COSHH information. They looked through the whole folder (not sure they knew what they were looking at though!)


  • Make sure your staff training matrix is up to date and appraisals up to date if possible.  Very particular about each staff file- from recruitment to mandatory training and vaccinations and DBS. Safeguarding- must do online learning-level 1 every staff.
  • They are also keen on risk assessments , staff vaccinations and imms schedules and ensure you are applying your own recruitment policy.
  • Sepsis training- quizzed reception staff with questions about it.
  • Went thro’ all meetings minutes/ nice guideline minutes as well as mhra discussion minutes.

4 thoughts on “CQC”

  1. Dr Ashley Davies

    We’ve just had our annual telephone review, following physical inspection in 2016. Reflections:
    *The telephone review goes well if you’ve prepared well. Have answers to all the questions, but above all know where the evidence is to support what you say.
    *The inspectors are not trying to catch you out. They have reasonable expectations.
    *Get your whole practice team on board, let them know what’s happening, ask for their input (one of the most useful things we did was circulate the CQC questions, and ask each member of the team to comment- they came up with stuff we didn’t know we were doing).
    *Give yourselves plenty of protected time to prepare.
    *We held a meeting of GPs and managers to brainstorm answers to the CQC questions-basically a review of all changes since the last inspection. They are not at all interested in stuff they know you are already doing-they are only interested in changes or developments.
    *They will have read the GP survey, looked at your QOF score, measured your exception coding, and looked at all the available data at regional and CCG level. Know this data in detail, pick out where you shine and where you do not-and have explanations ready. They will ask you why you are an outlier.
    *We adopted a policy of frank and open truthfulness, so where we knew there were improvements needed, we told them our concerns and the improvement plan we had developed. If your surgery is missing something, then it doesn’t matter, as long as they know what you plan to do about it.
    *Half finished audits, part completed QI from 2 years ago, noble intentions are not of any use. Nor is it helpful to say, “well we appointed a practice lead for that”, if you don’t have evidence from that lead of stuff actually getting done.
    *I’ve heard some practices had multiple members of the team ready to answer questions. We decided not to do this as we thought it would be difficult to control, and resource heavy. We had just 2- myself as CQC lead and our business manager. But we knew our practice inside out. We had collated all the data, interviewed all the team leaders. We had also had a dummy run practice interview.
    *We didn’t give the inspector much chance to talk, we just bombarded them with all our data. She was very pleased and complimentary; but we gave her the longest interview she’d ever done.

    1. Wow, so now they do telephone reviews as well as face-to-face?
      Where did you get the list of questions from? Have you a web link to them please?

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