- Doctor: Dr Sudhir Krishna
- Nurse: Melanie Greenwood & Samera Ahmed
- Admin: Susan Doherty
20th June 2019
June 2020
The Policy/Protocol
This page lists all emergency equipment and drugs held by the doctors and how they will be maintained and managed.
Ordering the drugs
- The following emergency drugs will be ordered by the practice for each regular doctor working in the practice.
- The entire ‘set’ will be ordered so that most drugs expire roughly at the same time (i.e. all will have at least a minimum of a 1 year expiry date).
- The ‘set’ will be replaced every year.
- As a reminder, the next replacement date will be added to the practice diary (in intradoc).
List of emergency drugs and equipment associated with the doctor's bag
- A selection of syringes ( 2 ml and 5 ml)
- Needles (of various gauges)
- A small sharps box.
- Water for injection 2mL (x 2)
- Benzylpenicillin 600 mg vials (x 2)
- Adrenaline 1 mg/ml ampoule (1:1,000) for intramuscular (IM) use
- Hydrocortisone 100mg/ml x 1
- Chlorpheniramine 10mg/ml x1
- Rectal diazepam 4 mg/ml strengths in a 2.5 ml rectal application tube (10mg).
- Aspirin 300 mg dispersible tablets (x 4)
- GTN Spray (x 1)
- Glucogel x 1
- Glucagon 1mg vial x 1
Basic administrative equipment
- FP10 prescriptions
- British National Formulary (Adult and Children’s)
- Letter Head, Envelope
- List of important telephone numbers
Diagnostic equipment
- Stethoscope
- Pocket diagnostic set (otoscope + ophthalmoscope)
- Sphygmomanometer
- Infrared thermometer
- Pulse oximeter
- Glucometer including appropriate strips and lancets
- Alcohol wipes, gloves, lubricating jelly
- Reflex hammer
- Multistix for urinalysis.
- Tongue depressors, preferably wrapped
- Peak flow meter, preferably low-reading
- Specimen bottles (urine/faeces) and swabs
Other Points
- Practice will equip and provide doctors’ bags to all trainees. It will include diagnostic equipment and emergency drugs as outline below.
- All other doctors will be expected to secure their own doctor’s bag with the necessary diagnostic equipment at their own expense. The practice will, however, provide emergency drugs as stated below.
- It is the responsibility of all doctors to be familiar with the contents of their bags including the medications, their indications and the dosages. And although the practice will order a new set of emergency drugs every year, it will still be the responsibility of each individual doctor to ensure his or her drugs are all in date.
- All doctors are expected to get their diagnostic equipment calibrated once a year which will be arranged by the practice
- The content of the doctor’s bag will be reviewed once a year – at August time, in line with when new trainees start. Again, this will be added to the practice diary.
- List of equipment bekiw is guidance and not exhaustive and doctor’s may wish to have their own list Similarly, if any doctor wishes to carry medication not stated in appendix 2, it will be their responsibility to ensure they do not exceed the shelf-life and the doctor is confident and have the necessary training to use them.
How we developed this protocol
The following criteria were considered in deciding the contents of “The Doctor’s bag”
- The medical conditions likely to encounter
- The medicines doctors are confident in using
- The storage requirements (eg – room temperature)
- Shelf-life
- Proximity of local hospital to the catchment area of Ashcroft Surgery
- The extent of ambulance, paramedic cover
- Availability of pharmacies in the locality