Practice Leads
- Doctors: Pardip Sandhu
- Nurse: Zoe Booth
Date Reviewed
14 April 2016
Date of Next Review
September 2017
This page summarises all the things that are needed for each clinical room at the surgery. Our Health Care Assistants will make these checks on a regular (weekly) basis.
General things
- Antibacterial handgel
- Tissues
- Vomit bowl
- Couch tissue roll
- Urine dipsticks
- Thermoscan covers
- Wooden tongue depressors
- Otoscope ear pieces – different doctors use different ones (see what they already have there)
- Gloves, KY jelly (PR tray)
- Needle box – may need closing and replacing.
- Blood specimen forms
- Urine specimen forms
- Blood notification forms (what we give out to the patient)
Gyne tray (only for the female doctor rooms)
- Speculums
- sponge holders to retrieve lost coils
- Swabs charcoal white orange yellow
- Liquid bay cytology bottles Forms and labels
- Pregnancy test
- Gloves
- KY gel sachets
- Wipes to clean couch and trolley
- Contraception leaflets
Implant stuff
- Sheets
- needles orange and green
- 2ml 2% lidocaine
- Syringe 5ml
- Steri-Strips
- Gauze
- Micropore dressing
- Bandages
- Minor Op pack
- Blade
- Normosol
- Sterile gloves