ashcroft surgery,

Newlands Way, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD10 0JE, West Yorkshire, UK

Useful Numbers

  • CALL 111 –  open 24 hours for help with medical problems of short duration and sudden onset
  • ANY LOCAL PHARMACIST for good advice about medicines, minor illness
  • DISTRICT NURSES: 01274 256 131 for wounds, dressings, elderly people
  • HEALTH VISITORS: 01274 221 223 for advice about babies and children
  • MIDWIVES: 01274 623 952 if you’re pregnant
  • National Coronavirus Support Line 0333 880 6619


Medicine Stock – ordering, handling and storing

Downloads Medicines kept at Ashcroft Surgery – the list ASHCROFT LEADS Doctor:   Nurse: Chantelle Kerin / HCA Maureen Baildon Admin:   DATE REVIEWED: 21st July 2022 DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: July 2023 What medicines do we keep at Ashcroft? See the list as detailed in the Downloads section above… The following were considered in deciding what […]

Medicine Stock – ordering, handling and storing Read More »


Downloads ASHCROFT LEADS Doctor:   Dr Ramesh Mehay Nurse:  Mel Greenwood Admin:  Carole Middleton DATE REVIEWED: Sept 2023 DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: Sept 2024 The Policy/Protocol A list of the medical emergencies and what to do can be found in the DOWNLOADS box above. This page will be reviewed every 18 months to ensure all advice


Procurement guidelines – buying/repairing equipment and items

Downloads – – – ASHCROFT LEADS Doctor:   All the GP partners Nurse: –  Admin:  Claire Revitt & Carole Middleton DATE REVIEWED: 20th June 2019 DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: June 2020 The Policy/Protocol In delivery of the practice business the practice will need to buy a new item or organise the repair of an existing item.

Procurement guidelines – buying/repairing equipment and items Read More »

Using Internet & Email at Work

Downloads Ashcroft’s Information/Data Protection, Security, Governance and Confidentiality Policy  ASHCROFT LEADS Doctor:   Dr Ramesh Mehay & Sudhir Krishnan Nurse: –  Admin:  Claire Revitt & Carole Middleton DATE REVIEWED: 20th June 2019 DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: June 2020 The Policy/Protocol Under recent legislation, the practice is entitled to: Monitor and record your emails and use of

Using Internet & Email at Work Read More »

Fraud Prevention @ Ashcroft

Downloads Our full detailed fraud prevention policy ASHCROFT LEADS Doctor:   Dr Sudhir Krishnan Nurse: –  Admin:  Claire Revitt  DATE REVIEWED: 1st Aug 2019 DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: Aug 2020 to help prevent fraud, we have implemented the following… One partner is responsible, with the manager, for business and financial affairs Bank accounts are only operable

Fraud Prevention @ Ashcroft Read More »

DBS checks on staff

Downloads The full DBS policy is available at ASHCROFT LEADS Doctor:   Dr Ramesh Mehay (Data Protection Officer) Nurse: –  Admin:  Claire Revitt (Data Controller) & Carole Middleton (Data Protection Officer) DATE REVIEWED: 18th July 2019 DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: July 2020 The Policy/Protocol This policy defines the framework that the Practice uses (adopted from PCT)

DBS checks on staff Read More »

GP Services to Our Own Staff

Downloads – – – ASHCROFT LEADS Doctor:   Dr Ramesh Mehay & Dr Sudhir Krishnan Nurse: –  Admin:  Claire Revitt & Carole Middleton DATE REVIEWED: 20th June 2019 DATE OF NEXT REVIEW: June 2020 The Policy/Protocol It’s logical and more convenient for a practice staff member to think ‘Oh, I’ve got xxx today and I’m sure Dr.

GP Services to Our Own Staff Read More »

Induction Programme for New Staff

Downloads & Links Click here to access the Induction Checklist Click here to access important protocols and policies for new staff to know Practice Leads Doctors: Ramesh Mehay & Sudhir Krishnan Admin: Claire Revitt Date Reviewed 6th July 2016 Date of Next Review September 2017 Welcome to our practice.   We hope you like working

Induction Programme for New Staff Read More »

Appointing Practice Staff – recruitment and selection policy

Downloads Equality and Diversity document by the NHS Pillar One of the national Human Resources Strategy for the NHS “Making the NHS a Model Employer” Equality and Diversity document by the NHS ASHCROFT LEADS Doctor:   Dr Ramesh Mehay & Dr Sudhir Krishnan Nurse: –  Admin:  Claire Revitt DATE REVIEWED: 6th June 2019

Appointing Practice Staff – recruitment and selection policy Read More »

Information Governance – information data protection, confidentiality and other legal matters

Downloads Sharing personal information on the phone – on one side of A4 Sharing information by post – on one side of A4 Sharing information by fax – on one side of A4 Transporting personal information – on one side of A4 Handling patient information – a leaflet for staff Handling information – quick overview

Information Governance – information data protection, confidentiality and other legal matters Read More »

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