ashcroft surgery,

Newlands Way, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD10 0JE, West Yorkshire, UK

Useful Numbers

  • CALL 111 –  open 24 hours for help with medical problems of short duration and sudden onset
  • ANY LOCAL PHARMACIST for good advice about medicines, minor illness
  • DISTRICT NURSES: 01274 256 131 for wounds, dressings, elderly people
  • HEALTH VISITORS: 01274 221 223 for advice about babies and children
  • MIDWIVES: 01274 623 952 if you’re pregnant
  • National Coronavirus Support Line 0333 880 6619

GP Services to Our Own Staff


  • – – –


  • Doctor:   Dr Ramesh Mehay & Dr Sudhir Krishnan
  • Nurse: – 
  • Admin:  Claire Revitt & Carole Middleton


20th June 2019


June 2020

The Policy/Protocol

It’s logical and more convenient for a practice staff member to think ‘Oh, I’ve got xxx today and I’m sure Dr. YYY won’t mind taking a peek’.   We don’t actually have a problem with this PROVIDING you do not confuse this ‘friendly advice to a fellow work colleague’ with ‘the employment duty of the doctor/nurse’.   Seeking medical advice from a GP or a nurse at Ashcroft Surgery SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS A REPLACEMENT FOR SEEING YOUR OWN GP OR NURSE.

This policy is to protect both you and our health professional staff.    An informal corridor consultation with a GP at Ashcroft Surgery is no where near as good as the protected time you would get from your own GP who would use that time to gather information from you more methodically and comprehensively.

In Summary…

  • We do not allow employed staff to register with Ashcroft Surgery.  Please remember that this is simply to protect you and the doctor.  We want you to get fair unbiased health advice from an independent health care provider.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please make an appointment to see your own GP.   By all means, you can ask for informal advice from our own GPs or nurses, but if you do this, please remember that it is informal advice to a work colleague.  Provision of this advice is at the discretion of the Doctor or Nurse.  The advice given should be seen as a form of informal opinion and hopefully our doctor or nurse will indicate whether you need to see your own GP service.  We will not create a ‘temporary record service’ for these events (i.e. you will not be registered as ‘Temporary’ or ‘Immediately Necessary’) as the advice is provided on an informal basis.   We make no apologies for reiterating the informal nature of the advice given because we want to make it clear that this provides no liability on the doctor, nurse or practice in supplying the advice YOU have requested.

All staff whilst at the practice premises will receive formal GP services care for any Emergency and Immediate & Necessary item. The Doctor will first assess the Emergency and Immediate & Necessary requirement. If it is not, you be politely informed of this and advised to see your own GP. If you are triaged as Emergency and Immediate & Necessary will then receive a one-off treatment for their emergency item only. No other non-emergency and immediate & necessary condition will be formally treated. The practice would still prefer the person to access their own GP for any prescriptions, but the GP can issue up to a max 7 days prescription for an Emergency Immediate & Necessary requirement.Records – If staff are treated under the Emergency Immediate & Necessary route, the Immediate & Necessary form must be completed.  This form should have completed the written section on care, drugs and advice provided.  This will then be sent to the person full-registered practice. Any forms completed for staff must be passed on to Pam Brown who will post it to the person’s GP practice.

No staff will ever meet the temporary services address criteria for any other temporary care service other than Emergency Immediate & Necessary. If you don’t have an emergency, then you need to get medication, referrals and so on organised by your own GP. Any staff currently registered as temporary patients will be immediately stopped.

  • Your relatives and friends CAN register. However, you must not access a relative’s record without permission and for a good reason.  Accessing a friend or relative’s notes IS NOT A PERK of the job.  It is illegal and goes against the Data Protection Act – you can be prosecuted for doing so!  So be warned – and behind the scenes, every computer in the surgery monitors what each staff is doing.  We do not tolerate such breaches of the Data Protection Act – patients have faith in us and that faith must not be destroyed by the illegal action of others.   If you have a task that involves a friend or relative’s medical information – please pass it onto a work colleague who doesn’t know them.

Medication, tests and referrals CANNOT and will be made at the practice.  For this, you need to see your own GP.

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