ashcroft surgery,

Newlands Way, Eccleshill, Bradford, BD10 0JE, West Yorkshire, UK

Useful Numbers

  • CALL 111 –  open 24 hours for help with medical problems of short duration and sudden onset
  • ANY LOCAL PHARMACIST for good advice about medicines, minor illness
  • DISTRICT NURSES: 01274 256 131 for wounds, dressings, elderly people
  • HEALTH VISITORS: 01274 221 223 for advice about babies and children
  • MIDWIVES: 01274 623 952 if you’re pregnant
  • National Coronavirus Support Line 0333 880 6619

Fire Policy



  • Doctor:   
  • Nurse: – 
  • Admin:  Claire Revitt (PM) & Carole Middleton (Assistant PM)


1st Aug 2019


Aug 2020

The Policy/Protocol

Ashcroft surgery will provide an annual fire safety training event which all staff are encouraged to attend.   Please do your absolute best to attend this event – it may save your life or that of others – either at the work place or else where.   You never know.  It’s better to be prepared.   Remember, it takes less than 3 minutes for even a small fire to become ferocious.

What does Ashcroft Surgery do in terms of Fire Safety Training?

  • We will provide an annual fire training event – which are practice staff should attend.
  • A different fire point is tested every week – usually Friday am 0730amish
  • Every 6 months ½ of smoke detectors are tested and the panel checked
  • The fire kit is serviced every year.
  • See beginning of this page for our fire training manual.

When there is a fire...

  • If you suspect a fire – raise the alarm by pushing one of the red alarm panels around the building.
  • If the alarm sounds (continuous set off in your corridor, on/off elsewhere) MUST IMMEDIATELY EVACUATE THE BUILDING via nearest exist route / fire door.
  • Take all patients, visitors etc with you.
  • Don’t return / take time for bags / coats etc.
  • If you are upstairs and not able to get out, go to one of the two refuge point at the top of the stairs (they are marked ‘REFUGE POINT’).
  • The collection point for evacuated staff / patients etc is the top of our staff car park – look for the pole and green diamond sign.  Start accounting for people.
  • Reception staff – ensure someone when outside rings ‘999’ for fire service – state alarm activated.   Don’t assume someone will have done.   The fire service would rather recieve 9 calls about the fire than none!
  • Reception staff – take the signing in/out book out with you – but not at the risk to your own safety.
  • IF ANY DOORS ARE PROPED OR WEDGED OPEN – CLOSE THESE AS YOU EXIT (this will help contain the fire because most of our doors act as fire doors too).   We understand that sometimes this is not practical – especially if you are running between two nearby rooms frequently.   So, in accepting this, if you are the person running between the two rooms, YOU MUST MAKE SURE that these doors are closed when you’ve stopped having to run between the two rooms or if the fire alarm goes off.  This is an important responsibility designed to keep others safe should a fire break out.
  • Identify one person to liaise with fire service to
        • confirm who might be left in the building
        • show them the fire panel in pram park entrance

If you plan to tackle a fire...

  • In general, do not tackle a fire.  Get out and keep yourself and others safe – that is number one priority.  A fire can become ferocious within a few minutes.
  • If you feel the fire is very small and can be extinguished, then use the following fire extinguishers
        • smaller black head with black cone CO2 extinguisher – only for electrical
        • other foam for all except electrical.
  • But remember, do not put yourself at risk.

In general, when there is no fire...

  • Know where the exits, the alarm points, fire kit around the building are – DO IT NOW – not when the alarm goes off.
  • All staff should use the sign in/out book – so that the fire service can look for people who are unaccounted for in the event of a fire.  This is important.
  • The collection point for evacuated staff / patients etc is the top of our staff car park – look for the pole and green diamond sign.

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