Know your vitals
Age | Pulse (HR) | RR |
<1 | 110-160 | 30-40 | |
1-2 | 100-150 | 25-35 | |
2-5 | 95-140 | 25-30 | |
5-12 | 80-120 | 20-25 | |
>12 | 60-100 | 15-20 |
Always record the vitals, because if they are off, you generally need to worry! Always come back to the vitals when you are not sure what is going on – because they can help you decide whether to worry or not.
- Temperature
- Pulse or HR
- Blood Pressure
- Capillary Refill Time (CRT)
- Oxygen Sats
Our Clinical Protocols & Policies at a Glance
path: …
- emergencies
- mentalhealthworkbooks
- ACE Croupy Child 1-6 years – July 2018.pdf
- ACE Gastroenteritis – May 2018.pdf
- ACE Wheezy Child – Dec 2017.pdf
- adhd autism referrals.pdf
- angina & IHD – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- antibiotic use 2015.pdf
- anticoagulation monitoring 2015.docx
- anticoagulatiuon NOAC monitoring 2015.pdf
- asthma – inhaler guide 2015.pdf
- asthma – which inhaler 2015.pdf
- asthma acute severe protocol 2019 redwhale.pdf
- atrial fibrillation – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- blood results flowchart of SMS messaging patients.docx
- bloods tests and reviews table for chronic diseases 2015.doc
- cardiovascular disease prevention in a nutshell – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- care plan for frail patients 2015.doc
- chronic disease – nurse flowchart 2015.docx
- chronic kidney disease 2015.docx
- consent form for joint injections.doc
- consent form for minor surgery.doc
- contraception – cocp prescribing.pdf
- contraception – missed pills.pdf
- contraception – umec.pdf
- copd inhalers 2015.pdf
- copd management 2015.pdf
- covid or isolating patients plan – how to see when ill 26.04.21.docx
- death certification pathway – Ashcroft Surgery.docx
- denosumab – ashcroft protocol.docx
- denosumab – shared care guidance.docx
- denosumab in primary care.pdf
- dermatology clinic flowchart for ashcroft 2020.docx
- diabetes – prescribing and glycaemic control 2015.pdf
- diabetes – prescribing and glycaemic control at a glance 2015.pdf
- diabetes ashcroft 2019 – checklist for admin.docx
- diabetes ashcroft 2019 – what to do with a new high HBA1C result.docx
- diabetes ashcroft 2019 – who does what – who to task.docx
- diabetes protocol aschroft plus sglt2 risk tablet – 2021.docx
- dmard patient leaflet.docx
- dmards – yorkshire guidelines 2019.pdf
- dmards at Ashcroft 2017.docx
- dvt pathway 2019.pdf
- eGFR 2011.pdf
- emergency drug dosages 2015.docx
- emergency medical list – what is kept where 2018.docx
- epley manouvre in bppv.pdf
- fasttracks in systmone.pdf
- heart failure – left ventricular systolic dysfunction LVSD – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- heart failure matt fay 2013.pdf
- hypertension – bradford healthy hearts 2016.docx
- hypertension – matt fay 2018.pptx
- hypertension – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- intermediate care hub flow chart 2015.pdf
- intermediate care hub on systmone 2015.pdf
- intermediate care in bradford.pdf
- locala bradford.pdf
- medicines information poster 2019.pdf
- menses – postponing.pdf
- mental capacity assessment form.doc
- needlestick poster by sugarman.pdf
- non-occlusive vascular disease protection – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- occlusive vascular disease protection – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- opioid conversion chart 2014.pdf
- osteoarthritis Rx 2015.docx
- palliative care – end of life anticpatories.pdf
- palpitations – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- peripheral arterial disease – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- prediabetes – ashcroft protocol 2015.docx
- prescribing formulary – ashcroft 2016.doc
- prescribing rules for efficient prescribing systems.doc
- repeat prescribing policy 2015.doc
- semen analysis – for infertility or post vasectomy.pdf
- sexual health clinics – locala numbers.pdf
- skin lesions 7 point weighted check list.pdf
- smoking cessation at ashcroft.docx
- spirometry interpretation on one side of a4.pdf
- statins – westcliffe – 2019.pdf
- STIs – females.pdf
- stroke and tia.docx
- vitamin D 2019.pdf
- warfarin to doac switching guide.docx
- Ambulance options & NEWS-2 scoring
- Bereavement Protocol: for those who have lost a loved one
- Blood & Test Results Protocol – requesting & actioning blood results, x-rays, scans and other tests
- Cervical Screening Programme
- Chaperone Policy
- Chronic Disease Management
- Consent
- Cremation Forms and Fees
- Doctors Bag – equipment and drugs
- ECGs – for nurses
- Immunisations and TRAVEL Vaccinations
- Infection Control Policy- needlestick injury, human bites & spillages (blood, vomit, faeces, urine) etc
- Infectious Disease Outbreak (Emergency measures)
- Medication (prescriptions) – acute & repeats
- Medicine Stock – ordering, handling and storing
- Medico-legal matters
- Mortality & New Cancer Diagnosis Review Meetings
- Non-visible Haematuria Pathway
- Palliative Care MDT Meetings
- Prescribing
- Projects & Audits
- Rooms – equipment check
- Safeguarding – Adult Protection, Domestic Violence, MARAC & PREVENT
- Safeguarding – Child Protection
- Significant Event Analysis (SEA)
- Task Messages for bloods, investigations, medications etc
- Tasks Protocol – allocation, timescales etc.
Please let me know if there is something missing, out of date or needs replacing.
Also remember that each individual doctor takes responsibility for their own clinical decision making. These protocols and policies are for guidance only. Each individual doctor has a responsibility for checking that any protocol, policy or guidance they are using is current and in keeping with standard clinical practice.